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      The What, Why & How of Stubble Burning

      Delhi’s tryst with decreased air quality during winters is not new, it's an annual occurrence. The severity of air pollution last year crossed all safety indices forcing the government to...

      Innovative & Green Ways To Celebrate Diwali

      Green and responsible diwali is not a new concept, however, during these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic, where the nature of the disease restricts social movements, and has direct...

      India Might Experience Rise in COVID-19 Cases Again!

      Several states in India have begun to witness a rise in fresh COVID-19 cases, after experiencing a period of low. Though the number of cases is not alarming, it does...
      Air Pollution

      Arresting Air Pollution: The Role of Private Sector & Communities

      Over the past two decades, India’s air quality has deteriorated significantly, making air pollution the second largest risk factor contributing to the country’s risk burden. As per the World Health...
      Air Pollution

      Air Pollution Can Aggravate COVID-19 Infections

      The exponential surge of COVID-19 cases in India, sent shockwaves across the globe and has led to a search for an explanation for it. Researchers and scientists have investigated several...
      Blended Learning

      Blended Learning Is The New Way To Learn

      As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to wax and wane, the majority of schools and educational institutions still remain shut. The evolution of the digital learning platforms has had a huge...
      Digital Divide

      Bridging The Digital Divide Via Public-Private Partnerships

      The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the ever-increasing infrastructural imbalances in school education. Within weeks after the outbreak, the pandemic changed the entire education delivery system. The disruption left students, practitioners...

      India Inc. Boosts Employee Experience Amidst The Pandemic

      The consecutive waves of COVID-19 caught the country by shock rendering employees helpless as they battled and struggled to take care of themselves and their families, while coping with work...

      Employee Engagement More Important Than Ever Now!

      Employee engagement and motivation play a crucial role, and act as important indicators of a company’s effectiveness. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a far-reaching impact on economic activity and employment....