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      Unlocking India’s Potential: Harnessing TVET for Inclusive Growth and Skilled Workforce

      India's demographic advantage lies in its large and youthful population. To fully harness this potential, the country acknowledges the importance of equipping individuals with appropriate skills and competencies through Technical...
      Child Labour

      Fighting Child Labour in India: CSR and Civil Society’s Role

      Child labour is a complex and deeply rooted problem that continues to plague many developing countries, including India. The exploitation of children for labour deprives them of their basic rights,...
      Child Labour

      Child Labour in India: A Lingering Issue Demanding Immediate Action

      In a tragic incident at an air cooler facility in New Delhi, 15-year-old Alok lost his life when he was trapped in an elevator shaft and crushed. Shockingly, Alok was...

      Smoke-Free India: A Public-Private Partnership Solution

      India has been battling the menace of tobacco for several decades now. It is a well-known fact that tobacco consumption is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in...

      Tobacco: A Growing Threat to Health, Environment, and Social Well-being

      Tobacco is a highly addictive and harmful substance that causes several health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory illnesses. In addition, tobacco farming and manufacturing have several negative environmental...
      Private sector

      Private sector’s role in promoting rural entrepreneurship

      India is a country with a diverse population that spans rural and urban areas. While the urban areas are seen as the economic engines of the country, it is the...
      Rural Entrepreneurship

      Rural Entrepreneurship: How it could solve India’s Social Challenges

      India faces complex social challenges, particularly in its rural sector, where caste and caste-related occupations are deeply intertwined. Despite some changes over the past seven decades, rural entrepreneurship in India...
      Digital Inclusion

      Role of Corporations & CSR in Promotion of Digital Inclusion

      Digital inclusion has become a necessity in today's world, especially in India, where there is a significant digital divide between urban and rural areas. In recent years, the government, non-governmental...
      Gender Gap

      Digital Gender Gap: Decoding The India Story

      The Covid-19 outbreak brought attention to how crucial mobile devices and mobile internet connectivity are for information, healthcare, education, e-commerce, financial services, and income generation. According to the Mobile Gender...