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      Role of Primary Healthcare Facilities in Rural Areas

      Primary health centres (PHC) play an essential role in containing COVID-19 especially in rural areas, since they have better access to the community, and can easily manage mild to moderate...

      Third Wave of COVID19: Is India Ready?

      As business activities slowly crawl back to normalcy and the memories of the second wave of COVID-19 recedes, the looming anticipation of the third wave harrows with each passing day....
      femaile workforce participation

      Boosting India’s Female Workforce Participation

      The ever changing and shape-shifting nature of the economy has been brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic. It caused industries to pivot and forced them to lay off people in...
      female workforce

      India’s Female Workforce Gets Pruned By COVID-19

      It is a fact that India’s female workforce participation has been among the lowest across the globe for decades. India’s female workforce even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 has...

      CSOs Exhibit Unprecedented Grit During COVID-Relief

      The COVID-19 pandemic has led to health, economic, and social crises on a scale in the country unseen in the past century. The pandemic put to test the collective resilience...

      Focus Areas For CSOs

      COVID-19 provided opportunities to the private sector and CSOs to partner and collaborate for various activities, campaigns and interventions targeted at addressing the direct and indirect impact of the pandemic....

      Rain Water Harvesting- Solution to India’s Water Crisis

      India is facing the worst water crisis in its history. As per a report by Niti Ayog 21 cities in India will run out of groundwater by 2020. According to...
      Open defecation: A threat to women & children

      Open defecation: A threat to women & children

      Over the years, the general health stature of Indians have improved and life expectancy has also increased. However, the myriad sanitation problems and health repercussions due to poor sanitation still...
      Rural Tourism

      Rural Tourism: An opportunity for sustainable livelihood

      Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the world. In both developed and developing countries, it has become a viable means of raising the economic activity...